Use "satrapy|satrapies" in a sentence

1. The Achaemenid empire had ended, and for a while Egypt was a satrapy in Alexander's empire.

2. The Achaemenids divided their vast empire into numerous satrapies to ensure efficient administration and the ability to levy taxes and tribute

3. Bactria is a local power in Central Asia controlling much of Bactriana and Sogdiana as a satrapy of the Seleukid Empire, one of the Hellenistic states in the east arising from the collapse of the Argead Empire.With 99 territories and 1016 pops, it is strongest of the three eastern satrapies of the Seleukid Empire and one of the most powerful states in the region despite its subject status and

4. Diodorus claims that Seleucus brought 20,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry (including mounted archers), 480 elephants and more than a hundred scythed chariots with him from the eastern satrapies.

5. The one-eyed Antigenes began his career under Philip II, served faithfully as Alexander's general throughout his campaigns, and was eventually rewarded for his service with the satrapy of Susiana.

6. Alexander’s war in Bactria and Sogdiana (and beyond to a lesser extent) was essentially of his own making with the satrapies erupting in revolt when he disrupted their societies and deported populations to his newly founded cities and imposed military garrisons

7. Bactria is the ancient Greek name for the area of Bactra (modern Balkh) in northern Afghanistan and the northeast corner of Iran, while Margiana is again the ancient Greek name for what was the Persian satrapy of Margu and is today south- eastern Turkmenistan and southern Uzbekistan.

8. 2 days ago · Mausoleum of the Last Castellan (300 dpi promotional) With the execution of the four princes of Pantesh at the hands of the false emperor of Zorisz, Pantesh became a satrapy of the crumbling empire - rules from afar by the cabal of desert sorceresses that were propping up the ancient imperial line